山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing 2016年1月1日开始正式实施的11项新环保标准。其中有专业性较强的《水解酸化反应器污水处理工程技术规范》等行业标准,也有备受关注的新修订的《环境空气质量标准》。一起来看吧~ At the beginning of 2016, a small series of 11 new environmental standards since January 1st this year, the official implementation of the implementation of the new environmental standards. Which has a strong professional "hydrolysis acidification reactor *age treatment engineering and technical specifications" and other industry standards, there is also a concern of the newly revised "ambient air quality standards". Come and see it. 1.水解酸化反应器污水处理工程技术规范 Technical specification for 1 hydrolytic acidification reactor *age treatment engineering 标准号:HJ2047—2015 Standard number: HJ2047 - 2015 摘要:为规范水解酸化反应器的建设与运行管理,防治环境污染,保护环境和人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了水解酸化反应器污水处理工程的工艺设计、主要工艺设备和材料、检测和过程控制、施工与验收、运行与维护的技术要求,适用于采用水解酸化反应器的污水处理工程,可作为环境影响评价、环境工程建设、环境保护验收及建成后运行与管理的技术依据。 Abstract: this standard is formulated to regulate the construction and operation of the hydrolysis acidification reactor, to prevent and cure environmental pollution, to protect the environment and human health. This standard specifies the hydrolysis acidification reactor *age processing engineering and process design, main equipment and materials, testing and process control, construction and acceptance, operation and maintenance of the technology requirements, applicable to the hydrolysis acidification reactor of wastewater treatment engineering. It can be used as environmental impact assessment, environmental engineering construction, environmental protection acceptance and after the completion of the operation and management of the technical basis. 2.饮料制造废水治理工程技术规范 2 beverage manufacturing wastewater treatment engineering technical specifications 标准号:HJ2048-2015 Standard number: HJ2048-2015 摘要:为规范饮料制造废水治理工程的建设与运行管理,防治环境污染,保护环境和人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了饮料制造废水治理工程设计、施工、验收与维护的技术要求,适用于饮料制造废水治理工程,作为环境影响评价、可行性研究、设计、施工、安装、调试验收、运行和维护管理的技术依据。 Abstract: this standard is formulated to regulate the construction and operation management of wastewater treatment project of beverage manufacturing, to prevent and control environmental pollution, to protect the environment and human health. This standard specifies the beverage manufacturing wastewater treatment project design, construction, inspection and maintenance technology requirements, suitable for in beverage manufacturing wastewater treatment project, as the environmental impact assessment, feasibility study, design, construction, installation, commissioning acceptance, operation and maintenance management of technical basis. 3.环境保护主管部门网站建设与维护技术导则 3 environmental protection department website construction and maintenance technical guidelines 标准号:HJ771-2015 Standard number: HJ771-2015 摘要:为规范各级环境保护行政主管部门网站的建设和日常运行,**和促进环境信息公开,制定本标准。本标准规定了各级环境保护行政主管部门网站内容、设计、性能、安全等方面的建设与日常运行维护的技术要求,适用于**和地方人民**环境保护主管部门网站的建设与维护。 Abstract: in order to regulate the construction and daily operation of the website of the administrative department of environmental protection at all levels, to ensure and promote the publicity of environmental information, this standard is formulated. This standard stipulated at all levels of environmental protection administrative department website content, design, performance, security and other aspects of the construction and daily operation and maintenance of technical requirements, apply to the State Council and the local people's government department in charge of environmental protection website construction and maintenance. 4.环境统计技术规范污染源统计 4 environmental statistical techniques to regulate pollution sources 标准号:HJ772-2015 Standard number: HJ772-2015 摘要:为加强污染源统计工作管理,规范污染源统计行为,保证污染源统计数据的质量,制定本标准。本标准规定了污染源统计的调查方案设计,数据采集与核算,数据填报、汇总和报送,数据审核,统计报告编制的一般原则与方法,适用于我国各级污染源统计工作。 Abstract: in order to strengthen the management of pollution sources, standardize the statistical behavior of pollution sources, and ensure the quality of pollution source statistics, this standard is formulated. This standard prescribes the source statistics of survey design, data acquisition and calculation, data reporting, collecting and submitting, audit data, statistical report compiled by the general principles and methods for statistical work of our country all levels of pollution source. 5.环境空气质量标准 5 ambient air quality standard 标准号:GB3095-2012代替GB3095-1996GB9137-88 Standard number: GB3095-2012 instead of GB3095-1996GB9137-88 摘要:为保护和改善生活环境、生态环境,**人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了环境空气功能区分类、标准分级、污染物项目、平均时间及浓度限值、监测方法、数据统计的有效性规定及实施与监督等内容,适用于环境空气质量评价与管理。各省、自治区、直辖市人民**对本标准中未作规定的污染物项目,可以制定地方环境空气质量标准。本标准**发布于1982年,本次为*三次修订。 Abstract: in order to protect and improve the living environment, ecological environment, protect human health, the development of this standard. This standard specifies the environmental functions of air classification, grading standards, pollutant project, average time and concentration limit value, monitoring method, data statistics and effective regulations and implementation and supervision content, suitable for air quality assessment and management of the environment. The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall, in the present standards, make no provisions on the pollution projects, and the local environmental air quality standards may be formulated. This standard was first published in 1982, this time for the third revision. 6.环境空气质量指数(AQI)技术规定(试行) 6 ambient air quality index (AQI) technical requirements (for Trial Implementation) 标准号:HJ633-2012 Standard number: HJ633-2012 摘要:为规范环境空气质量指数日报和实时报工作,制定本标准。本标准依据《环境空气质量标准》,规定了环境空气质量指数的分级方案、计算方法和环境空气质量级别与类别,以及空气质量日报和实时报的发布内容、发布格式和其他相关要求。本标准与《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095—2012)同步实施。 Abstract: this standard is formulated in order to regulate the environmental air quality index daily and real time work. According to the standard "ambient air quality standards", the provisions of the ambient air quality index classification scheme, calculation method and the ambient air quality levels and categories, and daily air quality and real-time news publication, released format and other relevant requirements. This standard and "ambient air quality standard" (GB3095 - 2012) synchronous implementation. 7.水质蛔虫卵的测定沉淀集卵法 7 water quality determination of Ascaris eggs sedimentation method 标准号:HJ775-2015 Standard number: HJ775-2015 摘要:为规范水中蛔虫卵的测定方法,保护环境,**人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了地表水和废水中蛔虫卵测定的沉淀集卵法,适用于地表水和废水中蛔虫卵的测定。 Abstract: a method for the determination of standard water Ascaris eggs to protect the environment, safeguarding human health and the development of standards. This standard provides for the determination of Ascaris eggs in surface water and wastewater sedimentation in egg method, and is suitable for the determination of Ascaris eggs in surface water and wastewater. 8.水质32种元素的测定电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 8 water quality - Determination of 32 elements - Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry 标准号:HJ776-2015 Standard number: HJ776-2015 摘要:为规范水中32种元素的测定方法,保护环境,**人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了测定地表水、地下水、生活污水及工业废水中32种元素的电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法,适用于地表水、地下水、生活污水及工业废水中银、铝、砷等32种元素可溶性元素及元素总量的测定。 Abstract: in order to regulate the determination of 32 elements in water, protect the environment, protect human health, the development of this standard. This standard provides for the determination of 32 elements in surface water, groundwater, *age and industrial wastewater by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and suitable for the determination in surface water, groundwater, *age and industrial waste water silver and aluminum, arsenic and other 32 element soluble elements and the total amount of. 9.空气和废气颗粒物中金属元素的测定电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 Determination of metal elements in 9 air and exhaust particulate matter inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 标准号:HJ777-2015 Standard number: HJ777-2015 摘要:为规范环境空气及污染源废气颗粒物中金属元素的测定方法,保护环境,**人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了测定空气和废气颗粒物中金属元素的电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法,适用于环境空气、无组织排放和固定污染源废气颗粒物中银、铝、砷等24种金属元素的测定。 Abstract: this standard is formulated in order to regulate the determination of metal elements in particulate matter of ambient air and pollution sources, to protect the environment and to ensure the health of the human body. This standard provides for the determination of metal elements in air and exhaust particulates by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry and suitable for the determination of air environment, no emissions and fixed pollution source exhaust particulate silver and aluminum, arsenic, 24 kinds of metal elements in. 10.水质碘化物的测定离子色谱法 Water quality determination of 10 iodide by Ion Chromatography 标准号:HJ778-2015 Standard number: HJ778-2015 摘要:为规范水中碘化物的测定方法,保护环境,**人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了测定地表水和地下水中碘化物的离子色谱法,适用于地表水和地下水中碘化物的测定。 Abstract: a method for the determination of iodide in water standard to protect the environment, safeguarding human health and the development of standards. This standard provides for the determination of iodide in groundwater and surface water by ion chromatography, and is suitable for the determination of iodide in the surface water and groundwater. 11.环境空气六价铬的测定柱后衍生离子色谱法 Determination of 11 environmental air six chromium by ion chromatography with post column derivatization 标准号:HJ779-2015 Standard number: HJ779-2015 摘要:为规范环境空气颗粒物中六价铬的测定方法,保护环境,**人体健康,制定本标准。本标准规定了测定环境空气颗粒物中六价铬的离子色谱法,适用于环境空气颗粒物中六价铬的测定。 Abstract: this standard is formulated in order to protect the environment, protect human health and to protect the environment of the six chromium in the ambient air particulate matter. Ion chromatography method for the determination of six chromium in ambient particulate matter is provided for the determination of six Cr in ambient particulate matter.