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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山西省 晋中 榆次区 榆次工业园区
  • 姓名: 寇艳萍
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定




Shanxi TT high ozone UV lamp / 

a volatile organic compound, is a key precursor for the formation of PM2.5 and 
O3, and is an important cause of complex air pollution. Is expected to "45" VOCs 
monitoring market will reach 200-300 billion yuan. VOCs monitoring has a variety 
of techniques, such as sensors, chromatography, mass spectrometry and 

(VolatileOrganicCompounds) is a volatile organic matter, is the formation of 
PM2.5 and O3 of the key precursors, is an important cause of complex atmospheric 
pollution. Compared with the traditional air pollutants, VOCs has a wide range 
of sources of pollution, involving multiple industries of different pollutants, 
complex components, various control technologies, and to the non organization of 
emissions, emissions of the accounting procedures complex. Because China has not 
started a large-scale monitoring of VOCs, so the lack of relevant data, research 
shows that China's annual VOCs emissions of about 30 million tons. The VOCs from 
natural sources and anthropogenic sources and VOCs in the air of our country 
mainly from anthropogenic sources, key industries including industrial coating, 
printing and packaging, oil storage and transportation, oil refining and 

1 policy overweight, the market is about to 

May 2010, the State Council transmitted nine ministries "on promoting air 
pollution prevention and control work to improve regional air quality guidance", 
for the first time from the national level proposed VOCs Pollution Control. With 
the law on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, the key region 
for prevention and control of atmospheric pollution "1025" planning "and the 
atmospheric pollution prevention and control plan of action" and other a series 
of policies and regulations promulgated on the contents of the VOCs Pollution 
Control, is expected to total control of VOCs is expected to write 45 planning 
", and gradually in the petrochemical, chemical, surface coating, packaging, 
etc. industry took the lead in carrying out the comprehensive improvement of the 

2 a variety of technical routes, sewage charges 
directly positive monitoring 

Similar to other air 
pollutants control, VOCs control to the source of the first, and supplemented by 
the end of 

source control: to upgrade the product, process, and actively promote clean 
production, reduce the amount of VOCs generated in the process of production; at 
the same time to strengthen management, reduce the leak (including the LDAR 

the end treatment of gas collection: first consider the value of the recycling 
of organic matter, the use of the value of the collection and processing. Due to 
different sources of VOCs types, the large difference in the amount of wind, in 
the field of engineering and processing more in accordance with the actual 
situation of the project to choose a different combination of process 

2015, Ministry of finance, development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of 
environmental protection developed the volatile organic compounds pollution 
charge pilot approach ", the approach in provisions for individual petroleum and 
chemical industry, packaging and printing industry of the total VOCs pilot 
charges, emissions the emission coefficient method, the empirical formula, the 
material balance, monitoring, supplemented by the accounting method. With law on 
the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution and the prevention and 
control of air pollution action plan "landing, is expected to promote VOCs 
Pollution Charges: gradually expand the industry fees, and the total VOCs and 
individual toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), respectively, of charges, 
emissions will be dominated by monitoring method, empirical formula, material 
balance, emission coefficient as a supplement. The direct positive VOCs online 
monitoring industry, is expected to 45 VOCs monitoring market will reach 200-300 
billion yuan. VOCs monitoring has a variety of techniques, such as sensors, 
chromatography, mass spectrometry and spectroscopy.