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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
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  • 公司地址: 山西省 晋中 榆次区 榆次工业园区
  • 姓名: 寇艳萍
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Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet lamp / finishing

According to the China Meteorological Bureau statistics, since the winter of 2015, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region experienced four serious haze process. China Meteorological Bureau forecast, the next few days, including new year's holiday, less likely to appear serious haze process in Beijing Tianjin Hebei region.

China Meteorological Bureau of environmental meteorological center chief forecaster learning models Ma believes that the Beijing, Tianjin and haze day number, weight, both and pollutant emission source intensity and distribution about, and adverse weather conditions, pollution emissions is internal and meteorological conditions is external factor, is the control factor.

The intensity of cold air this year Beijing Tianjin Hebei weak wind days, leading to poor dispersion of pollutants. In addition, the stability of atmosphere, the top of the mixing layer height is low, restrain the vertical diffusion of pollutants, air humidity is also conducive to the accumulation of haze.

National Climate Center monitoring room chief expert Zhou Bing believes that wind days increase, high humidity and haze intensified process of meteorological factors, and constantly enhance the El Nino phenomenon has contact. Since the beginning of winter, North China, Huanghuai and Northeast China in the lower troposphere performance for anomalous southerly wind, is favorable to the southeast of heating vapor "North", the near ground air humidity increases, pollutants hygroscopic growth, reduced visibility; another weak southerly wind will caused by exogenous contaminant transport to the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, thereby increasing the degree of air pollution.

In order to improve the early warning mechanism of haze, the Meteorological Bureau adopted the "analysis of atmospheric environmental capacity". National Climate Center Dr. Zhu Rong pointed out that the atmospheric environmental capacity is determined by the climate background of the city the maximum allowable emissions, the ventilation coefficient of atmospheric pollutants on the dilution and rain washing effect. According to Zhou Bing introduction, the atmospheric environmental capacity this year Beijing Tianjin Hebei in most areas than the same period of nearly 10 years is more than 60%.

Chinese research associate Atmospheric Composition Research Institute Liu Hongli believes that the comprehensive evaluation of air pollution is very important. Only a single point ground monitoring and atmospheric data, unable to grasp the vertical and horizontal transport of air pollutants, and air flow will inevitably lead to cross-border transmission of pollutants. That the Ministry of environmental protection in Beijing Menyuan analysis, pollutant is nearly 1/3 transboundary movement results. Therefore, the three-dimensional monitoring network is the premise of analysis, governance haze.