山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet light / finishing 天津将二氧化硫、氮氧化物、化学需氧量、氨氮等4种污染物排污费征收标准 Tianjin will sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen and other 4 kinds of pollutant discharge fee collection standards 从2014年7月1日起,刘国树所在的企业需要准备增加一笔大额开支:企业的排污费征收标准涨了近9倍! From July 1, 2014 onwards, Liu Guoshu's companies need to increase the amount of a large expenditure: the company's *age charges levied standards rose nearly 9 times! 作为天津国电津能热电有限公司的生产技术部主任,刘国树需要好好思考该怎么应对这一笔支出。“涨近10倍可不是个小概念,我们2013年缴纳排污费231万元,2014年如果按照新标准,需交1820万元!”他说。 As director of the production technology department of Tianjin Electric Power Co., Ltd., Liu Guoshu need to think about how to deal with this expenditure. "Rose nearly 10 times is not a small concept, we pay the *age charges in 2013 231 yuan, in 2014 if the new standard, the need to pay 1820 yuan!" He said. 这是一件容不得商量的事:这次涨价是天津市为了治理大气污染问题采取的新手段——经济手段,具体做法是:从2014年7月1日起,天津将二氧化硫、氮氧化物、化学需氧量、氨氮等4种污染物排污费征收标准由平均每公斤约0.82元提高到了7.82元,提高近9倍。 This is a capacity to discuss things: this price is the Tianjin city in order to control the air pollution problems to take the new paragraph - economic means, the specific approach is: from July 1, 2014 onwards, Tianjin will sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen and other 4 kinds of pollutant discharge fee collection standard by the average per kilogram of about 0.82 yuan to 7.82 yuan, an increase of nearly 9 times. 然而事实上,天津国电津能热电有限公司2014年全年只交了373万元的排污费,比预计少交了约1447万元。 However, in fact, the Tianjin State Electric Power Co., Ltd. in 2014 full year only to pay a total of 373 yuan of *age charges, less than expected to pay about 1447 yuan. 原来,天津的这个涨价方案,是带有“阶梯定价”性质的,也就是说,如果企业的实际排放低于规定的排放标准并达到一定比例,就能享受收费折扣。按照天津市的规定,污染物排放浓度占规定排放标准的百分比越低,企业所交费用越低,当低于规定标准50%,企业可以享受收费标准40%的较大优惠。 Originally, the price of the Tianjin program, is with the ladder pricing nature, that is, if the actual emission standards and achieve a certain percentage, you can enjoy a discount. According to the provisions of Tianjin City, the concentration of pollutant emissions in the percentage of the emission standards, the lower the cost of enterprises, when the lower than the provisions of the standard 50%, enterprises can enjoy the maximum benefits of 40% charges. 如何少交钱?自然是想方设法降低实际排放量。 How to pay less? Nature is trying to reduce the actual emissions. “同样是花费,不如上设备!”刘国树说,在过去一年里,企业累计投入了约1.2亿元,这是一笔不小的开支,但经过脱硫增容、湿除改造、脱硝催化剂更新等环保提升,他们成功地将氮氧化物、二氧化硫和尘的排放浓度从2014年的92毫克/立方米、51毫克/立方米、8毫克/立方米降到了2015年39毫克/立方米、18毫克/立方米、5毫克/立方米,在燃煤锅炉清洁利用领域达到世界良好水平。 "The same is spent, as on the device!" Liu Guoshu said that in the past year, the enterprise has invested about 1.2 yuan, which is not a small expenditure, but after desulfurization capacity, wet removal, denitrification catalyst update and other environmental protection, they successfully put nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and dust emissions from 2014's 92 mg / cubic meter, 8 mg / cubic meter, 39 mg / cubic meter, 18 mg / cubic meter, 5 mg / cubic meter, in the field of clean coal boiler to reach the world's leading level. 按照较新的排放浓度,他们公司今年的总排污费预计为200万元左右,比排污收费提高前还交得少。 According to the latest emission concentrations, their company this year, the total *age charge is expected to be 200 yuan, compared with the *age charges before the increase is still less. “从长远看,提高效率、环保改造是发电企业该走的路子,这种一次性投资总比每年缴纳巨额排污费强。”刘国树说,经济手段对他们技术改进是一个激励。 "In the long run, to improve efficiency, environmental protection is the way to go, such a one-time investment is more than a year to pay a huge amount of *age charges." Liu Guoshu said that the economic means to improve their technology is an incentive. 他还讲了一个细节:在天津市的激励标准中,排放浓度相当于规定标准的50%是一条杠杠,“看上去,达到标准的49%和51%相差无几,但到了50%就能享受4折的收费优惠,所以我们就会想尽办法钻研技术改造,把排放浓度一点一点地降下来。” He told a detail: in Tianjin city, the compensation standards and emission concentration is to 50 per cent of the provisions of the standard is a lever, "look to standard 49% and 51% is almost the same, but to 50% can enjoy 4 fold preferential charging, so we tried to study the technical transformation, the emission concentration in a bit by bit down." 根据刘国树的预测,2015年,他们公司的总排污费预计为200万元左右,比涨价前的2013年还要少。 According to Liu Guoshu's projections, in 2015, the company's total *age charges are expected to be 200 yuan, compared with the previous 2013 will be less. 天津市环境监察总队总队长贾春宁说:“除了法律、行政和科技等直接治理手段,经济手段在大气污染防治中真正起到了事半功倍的杠杆作用。” Tianjin Municipal Environmental Monitoring Corps captain Jia Chunning said: in addition to the legal, administrative and scientific and technological direct control means, economic means in the air pollution control has played a multiplier effect." “排污费标准调整一年后,从全市排污费核定开单量来看,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量分别下降了48.3%和47.9%,污染物减排效果显着。”贾春宁说,过去企业总抱着“交钱就能排污”的心态,新标准的奏效除了因为它提高排污成本,更因为它实行了差别化收费的激励政策,排得少交得少,而提升的是技术和环境质量。 "*age charges to adjust the standard one year, from the city's *age fee approved billing amount of view, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides emissions were decreased by 48.3% and 47.9%, pollutant emission reduction effect is remarkable." Jia Chunning said that enterprises in the past is always holding the "will be able to pay *age" mentality, the new standard of work not only because it increases the cost of *age, but because it implemented the differentiated charging incentive policies, have less pay less, ascension is technical and environmental quality. 我国多煤、缺油、少气的自然资源条件决定了多年来大量燃煤的供电供热局面,为了保护大气,天津一方面积极推进煤改燃并网或拆除燃煤锅炉328座,关停陈塘庄热电厂煤电机组,累计实现燃煤总量削减近600万吨;另一方面,也在指导企业像国电津能热电有限公司一样实现燃煤机组达到燃气排放标准,经济手段功不可没。 Our country more than coal, and the lack of oil, less gas natural resources determines the for many years a large number of coal power supply heating situation, in order to protect the atmosphere, Tianjin actively promoting coal changing fuel grid or removal of coal-fired boiler 328 seat, Chentang Zhuang thermal power plant coal-fired generating units shut down, realized a total reduction of nearly 600 million tons of total coal; on the other hand, in guiding enterprises like Jin State Power Thermal Power Co., Ltd to achieve the same coal-fired units to gas emission standards, the economic means to work. 据天津市**大气处副处长何建强介绍,截至今年10月31日,天津市环境空气质量达标天数为195天,较去年同期增加42天,重污染天数为13天,较去年同期减少9天,6项主要污染物浓度也均有下降。 According to the Tianjin Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau deputy director He Jianqiang introduced, as of October 31st this year, the number of environmental air quality standards for 195 days, compared with the same period last year increased by 42 days, heavy pollution days for 13 days, compared with the same period last year decreased by 9 days, 6 major pollutants are also reduced. 山西TT废气处理环保技术中心推出UV光解VOCs**废气净化灯:原理是利用特制的高能高臭氧UV紫外线光束照射**气体物质分子键,裂解恶臭气体物质如:氨、**胺、硫化氢、甲硫氢、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲二硫、二硫化碳和苯乙烯,硫化物H2S、VOC类,苯的分子键,使呈游离状态的污染物原子与臭氧氧化聚合成小分子无害或低害物质,如CO2、H2O等。具有体积小、管理方便、处理效果好、运行费用低及兼具有杀菌消毒等特点。山西TT废气处理环保技术中心工业废气处理灯已形成室内、工业车间、家禽饲养场等场所的恶臭异味废气处理系列化设备的核心产品,是绿色环保新的发展方向,越来越多的环保公司在其环保工程中采用。 Shanxi TT waste gas treatment environmental protection technology center launched the UV photolysis of VOCs organic waste gas purification lights: the principle is using special high-energy high ozone UV ultraviolet light irradiation of organic gas molecules bond, cracking malodorous gases such as ammonia and trimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide hydrogen, methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulphide H2S and VOC classes, benzene, toluene, xylene molecules, free of pollutants atoms with ozone oxidation were aggregated into small molecule harmless or less harmful substances, such as CO2 and H2O. Has small size, convenient management, good treatment effect, low operating costs and both have the characteristics of sterilization and disinfection. Shanxi TT waste gas treatment technology center industrial waste gas treatment has been formed in the interior, industrial workshop, poultry breeding field and other places of the smell of waste gas treatment series of core products, is a new direction of environmental protection, more and more environmentally friendly companies in its environmental protection work. 2015年5月1日起,天津又将烟尘排污费征收标准上调10倍,同时开征施工扬尘排污费,并同样实行差别收费。根据颗粒物源解析,作为天津雾霾本地主要贡献者的扬尘问题或将在经济杠杆的撬动下得到解决。 May 1, 2015, Tianjin will be the same as the standard of *age charges levied by 10 times, while the introduction of construction dust *age charges, and the same rate of different charges. According to the source apportionment of particulate matter, as the main contribution of fog and haze in Tianjin local dust problem or in the economic levers leveraging resolved.